
“The 10 Most Historic Bars in Chicago” by Rick Kogan

We’re very happy to have been included in Rick Kogan’s list of the 10 most historic taverns in Chicago.

“I like taverns with some history, whether that comes in photos on the walls or the echo of past customers’ conversations — places with ghosts, if you will.”

Check out the article: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/museums/ct-chicago-tavern-history-series-08192015-column.html

If you are a fan of Chicago history or Rick Kogan, you need to read “A Chicago Tavern. A Goat, A Curse, and the American Dream.” by Rick Kogan. It’s a complete history of the legendary Billy Goat Tavern. Buy it now in our online store! https://www.billygoattavern.com/souvenirs/index.php/all-products/book-a-chicago-tavern.html
