
Sachi Yamashita and The Billy Goat Rainbow Murals

Many people ask about the rainbow goats painted on the walls outside of The Goat. They were painted in 1970 by Sachio Yamashita, known as Sachi. He appealed to Billy Goat Sianis “The top of Michigan Avenue is the most beautiful street in the world. But every day I walk down here with all this filth and all the pigeons and it is most depressing.” Billy made a deal with Sachi. Every day after Sachi and his helpers finish their work, beer and borgers are free! Unfortunately Billy Goat Sianis passed away on October 22, 1970 just days before the painting were complete.

Lollapalooza Bands’ Favorite Chicago Restaurants

“So, coming to Chicago last night, obviously I headed to the Billy Goat Tavern. The original one. I haven’t been back here since the curse was lifted, so I was curious to see if the vibe of the place had altered in any way. Of course it hadn’t. You’d need a neutron bomb to shake the vibe of a place like that.” – Franz Ferdinand



Mike Royko and a Visit from President Bush

in 1991, President Bush came to Billy Goat for a visit and to meet Sam.

Sam calls Mike and excitedly tells his assistant over the phone, “The president wants to know if Mike is here. I tell him no and then he wants to know where he usually sits and I show him and he seems very excited to see where he site when he comes down here.”

Sam wants Mike to have a burger with Bush. Hes says no. Sam calls Mike’s wide, Judy. Shes wants him to go. He says no. Mike often refers to Bush as “the greatest tourist of our time,” and in the next day’s Tribune writes, “The country is going to hell in a hand basket, and the president of the United States wants to know on what part of the bar I rest my elbows? Or forehead?”

Read more stories about Mike Royko, Sam and Billy Goat Tavern Rick Kogan’s Book “A Chicago Tavern” https://www.billygoattavern.com/product/book-a-chicago-tavern/

Billy Goat Michigan Ave Repairs – The biggest fix to hit Chicago since the 1919 Black Sox.

We just wanted to give you a quick update. Billy Goat Tavern on Michigan Avenue is still temporarily closed. Fortunately, we Chicagoans know how to fix things!

Due to the delicate nature of performing the work while preserving the historic Tavern`s look and décor we anticipate the work to be completed sometime in February. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates.
Facebook: BillyGoatTavern
Twitter: @Cheezborger

Our Backup Goats
Here is a list of other Billy Goat locations. We hope you will visit and get your Cheezborger and Beer needs

We’re stlil under construction. But pretty soon, we’ll be back building these.