
Magnificent Mile Lights Festival!

Ready to countdown to the holidays? The Magnificent Mile lights parade is the official kick off to the holidays in Chicago. The parade will take place from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. It steps off from Oak Street and Michigan Avenue and heads south on Michigan to Wacker Drive. The parade will be followed by a Fireworks Spectacular over the Chicago River as part of the grand finale. The fireworks offer a perfect ending to the fun-filled day of holiday activities and events! You can download an events guide PDF here.


After you’ve enjoyed the sights and sounds, come down UNDER Michigan Avenue for the tastes and smells of a delicious Cheezborger, chips and a Coke.



John Kasich Visits Billy Goat Tavern

Ohio Governor John Kasich made a campaign stop at Billy Goat Tavern on Michigan Avenue yesterday! Good luck at the debate!!




The Goat has been a favorite campaign stop for politicians for decades. If the Trump campaign decides to host an event with us, we promise to keep our goat away. They’ll eat anything.

Portrait of a goat eating a grass on a green meadow


Mike & Sam

The legendary Mike Royko often wrote about Sam and Billy Goat Tavern. He raved about Sam’s work ethic and character. In a letter of recommendation, Mike wrote of Sam:

“I would say that if I had to walk down to the OK Corral, Sam would be the first person I’d ask to join me. On second thought, I wouldn’t have to ask. He’d already be there.” – Mike Royko


Check out the book “A Chicago Tavern.” You’ll find the most complete set of Billy Goat Tavern stories available. Buy it now in our online store! https://www.billygoattavern.com/souvenirs/index.php/all-products/book-a-chicago-tavern.html

“The 10 Most Historic Bars in Chicago” by Rick Kogan

We’re very happy to have been included in Rick Kogan’s list of the 10 most historic taverns in Chicago.

“I like taverns with some history, whether that comes in photos on the walls or the echo of past customers’ conversations — places with ghosts, if you will.”

Check out the article: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/museums/ct-chicago-tavern-history-series-08192015-column.html

If you are a fan of Chicago history or Rick Kogan, you need to read “A Chicago Tavern. A Goat, A Curse, and the American Dream.” by Rick Kogan. It’s a complete history of the legendary Billy Goat Tavern. Buy it now in our online store! https://www.billygoattavern.com/souvenirs/index.php/all-products/book-a-chicago-tavern.html
